3 Reasons Why Your Website is Driving Customers Away

Website Development
November 02, 2021

When users land on your website they form an opinion of your site, whether they want to stay or leave, in a matter of seconds. In today’s competitive market, you’ll want to make a great first impression – quickly! Is your website up to par with website development best practices? Here are 3 reasons why your website may be driving customers away:

It’s Not Responsive.

According to Statista.com, mobile accounts for approximately half of web traffic worldwide. In the first quarter of 2021, mobile devices (excluding tablets) generated 54.8 percent of global website traffic, consistently hovering around the 50 percent mark since the beginning of 2017. Popularity and accessibility to smart phones and tablets have changed the way users view the Internet. If you are working with a website development team or agency, you may want to discuss whether a mobile-first website is right for your business. Whether you have an e-commerce site or a blog, if your website is not looking good on mobile, you may be missing out on a significant audience.

It’s Hard to Navigate.

Users should be able to easily find what they need. Is the navigation menu easily accessible at all times? Are page names intuitive? While you may want to add quirky page titles and headings to make your website unique, do so with caution and ensure the overall messaging remains intuitive for users. Not knowing where to click to find what you need, when you need it, will only give users a poor experience and perhaps send them elsewhere.

It’s Outdated.

Was the latest blog post from years ago? Does your website look like it was designed 5 years ago? We usually say it’s time to re-evaluate your website design more or less around the 5 year mark ;) It’s not a bad idea to stay in the know when it comes to the latest website development and design trends. Chances are customers are also looking at your competitors’ websites as well. You’ll want to give your customers confidence in your product / brand and not staying relevant or being out of touch will do the exact opposite.

Need a website that drives in sales? Please get in touch! Our experts in website development are ready to talk all things websites and create something you and your customers can get excited about.

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